Hi Karl,

I've noticed that there's a slight flickering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
link...tested in Firefox


Karl Swedberg wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2006, at 11:34 AM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>> Karl Swedberg schrieb:
>>> I suppose all the jTips could load in a hidden state on
>>> document.ready, which would make their height available immediately
>>> on hover. Maybe that would slow page load, though? Any other, better
>>> ideas?
>> You could just wait to display the tip until it is loaded. IE seems to
>> do that anyway. That would solve your positioning problem and would
>> provide a more consistent behaviour.
> Okay, Jörn, I took your advice. The result is up on http:// 
> test.learningjquery.com/jtiptest.htm
> When Firefox is at certain sizes, the scrollbar flickers on then off  
> very quickly, but usually it doesn't. Safari and WinIE 6 look great.
> I zipped up jtip.js along with a css file and the three images from  
> Cody Lindley's original version: http://test.learningjquery.com/jtip.zip
> I think I've done just about all I can with this one. Shall I put it  
> somewhere? jquery.com plugins page? subversion?
> Cheers,
> Karl
> _______________________
> Karl Swedberg
> www.englishrules.com
> www.learningjquery.com
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