
You could simplify this:

    var f = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON'];
    $(f.join(','), this).each(function() {


    $(f, this).each(function() {

BTW, what do you mean when you say it isn't a plugin? Looks like one to me.


> From: Matt Grimm
> I've put together a fast form serializer function that I'm 
> hoping can get some review from the list for completeness, 
> bugs, a better name, etc. A previous thread revealed quite a 
> performance issue with the form plugin's existing serialize 
> function when operating on a form with a large number of 
> elements. My plugin sacrifices semantic order for wicked 
> speed. I have a test form with a select menu containing 500 
> options -- with the current serializer, it takes around 5 
> full seconds to do the job, and with mine, it takes about 50 
> ms. Any feedback would be much appreciated, including whether 
> you think this should be included with the form plugin distribution.
> Since this isn't a plugin, I'm just going to include the 
> source in this message -- please let me know if there's a 
> better (i.e., more polite) way to do this.
> Thanks!
> m.
> ---
> $.fn.fastSerialize = function() {
>     var a = [];
>     var f = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON'];
>     $(f.join(','), this).each(function() {
>         var n = ||;
>         var t = this.type;
>         if (!n || this.disabled || t == 'reset' ||
>            (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !this.checked ||
>            (t == 'submit' || t == 'image' || t == 'button') 
> && this.form.clicked != this ||
>            this.tagName == 'SELECT' && this.selectedIndex == -1)
>             return;
>         if (t == 'image' && this.form.clicked_x)
>             return a.push(
>                 {name: n+'_x', value: this.form.clicked_x},
>                 {name: n+'_y', value: this.form.clicked_y}
>             );
>         if (t == 'select-multiple') {
>             $('option', this).each( function() {
>                 if (this.selected)
>                     a.push({name: n, value: this.value || 
> $(this).text()});
>             });
>             return;
>         }
>         a.push({name: n, value: this.value});
>     });
>     return a;
> };
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