
> i want to grab just the filename and extension from the following string:
> str1="F:\\Test1\\Test2\\Test3\\test.txt";
> i want to grab "test.txt"
> i use this code:
> file1=(str1.split("\\"))[(str1.split("\\")).length-1];
> i was wondering if there is a better way to grab that part of the string

Yes, of course:

var tmp = str1.split("\\");
file1 = tmp[tmp.length-1];

That way the JS-interpreter doesn't need to split the string twice. I think 
that this is the fastest aproach.

Another aproach could be:

file1 = str1;
var tmp;
while( (tmp = file1.indexOf("\\")) >= 0 ) file1 = file1.substr(tmp+1);

But I think, that is slower. The advantage is that it is easy to understand 
that you ar working on the string.

Yet another aproach:

file1 = str1.match(/[^\\]*$/);

I guess this can compete in performance with the split()-method - shold be 
just a bit slower since the evaluation of a regular expression is more 
complex than a simple split.
It is the shortest variant, but not the most readable.

If you ask me I would either recomend the split()-method or the 


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