
Good points. I hesitated before sending my "request" because I don't want to
be one of those people that just asks for things without giving back.
Unfortunately I'm just not all that good at Javascript so any contribution I
make in that arena will be nearly worthless.

What I can offer back to the community is testing and proofing. I'm running
IE/PC which seems to be the minority in this crowd. I'm a mature
professional programmer (just use a different language is all) who does have
valuable input on behaviour and user-interaction.

It's all give and take and I try to give what I can, just like the people
creating these excellent plug-ins.

andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Brian Miller
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 12:38 PM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Full featured form validation library in jQuery?

That's a lot of stuff!

Seriously, I think that what is being requested here, more than anything
else, is organization.

Can we start grouping our code into "plugin packs", or something?  One for
forms and friends, one for all kinds of visual effects (perhaps a package
that groups the "best of the best" visual plugins with Interface?), one
for language extensions, and so on.  It might even be a Good Thing to
version them, and pack them to save space.

There are a lot of really great plugins here, but they're not as easily
accessible as they can be.

For everyone else:  All these plugins are done on a largely volunteer
basis.  This is an unfunded, we-do-this-because-we-love-it open source
project.  Generally, our response to "I need ___" is "Great!  I can't wait
to see how it looks after you've written it!"  So, don't expect anything
huge to be done upon request.  But, a lot of useful plugins are already
rolling around here.  So, don't despair.  :)

- Brian

> One thing I'd also like to request is a complete form widgets plugin. At
> the
> moment there are a plethora of form widgets, each of them single plugins.
> That's not very useful for someone that wants something that gets included
> once and called multiple times. Ideally, someone would come out with a
> forms
> plugin that includes basic validation and error display along with form
> widgets.

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