On 04/10/06, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure if any of you read Web Builder magazine. Its a UK-based
> magazine published by the same guys that publish .net magazine.
> In the September 2006 (#154) magazine, they published are article on
> creating lightboxes and have a VERY lengthy tutorial on ThickBox. They
> go on to provide a link to the ThickBox demo on JQuery demo page and
> provide a great quote about JQuery:
> "Thickbox takes advantage of the lightweight, but powerful, JQuery to do
> a lot of the heavy lifting".
> This is great exposure for JQuery and I thought everyone would be happy
> to see that JQuery is getting mentioned in trade mags as well.
> Congrats to Cody Lindley for the mention of his great ThickBox plugin
> and to John for the continued success of JQuery.
> Rey...

I remember posting about that before:

But perhaps some have missed it (discovered jQuery after the post).
This months issue also has another article on jQuery to do with
accessibility (a style switcher), again by Rik Lomas (who recently did
a quicksearch plugin).

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