On 05/10/06, Charles Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note sure where to post this so heres some code.
> This allows you to have a set of "check all" check boxes that check
> another set of check boxes.
> Example
> $.checkallCheckboxClickEvent('.MyCheckAllClass','.CheckTheseClass');
> /******************
> // modified from check function() @
> http://jquery.bassistance.de/jquery-getting-started.html
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']").checkDynamic();
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']").checkDynamic('on');
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']").checkDynamic(true);
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']").checkDynamic('off');
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']").checkDynamic(false);
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']").checkDynamic('toggle');
> *******************/
> /*
>  * checks, unchecks or toggles a set of checkboxes.
>  *
>  * @name     $('?').checkDynamic
>  * @param    mode  (true,'on',false,'off', or null) defaults to on if
> null or other.
>  * @author   Charles Peterson (http://www.artistandesigns.com)
>  * @example  $(boxes_ele).checkDynamic(checked);
>  *
>  */
> $.fn.checkDynamic = function(mode) {
>     return this.each(function() {
>         if($(this).is("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'checkbox']")){
>             switch(mode) {
>                 case false:
>                 case 'off':
>                     this.checked = false;
>                     break;
>                 case 'toggle':
>                     this.checked = !this.checked;
>                     break;
>                 case true:
>                 default://'on'
>                     this.checked = true;
>                     break;
>             }
>         }
>     });
> };
> /*
>  * this sets a click event for "Check All" checkboxes.
>  *
>  * @name     $.checkallCheckboxClickEvent
>  * @param    click_elem  Checkboxes that are for "Checking All"
>  * @param    boxes_ele  Checkboxes to check when a Check All box is checked
>  * @author   Charles Peterson (http://www.artistandesigns.com)
>  * @example
> $.checkallCheckboxClickEvent('.LISTTICKETselectedticketsCHECK','.LISTTICKETselectedtickets')
>  *
>  */
> $.checkallCheckboxClickEvent = function(click_elem,boxes_ele){
>     $(click_elem).click(function
> (){$.checkallCheckbox(click_elem,boxes_ele,this.checked);});
> };
> /*
>  * this should be used with a click event function
>  *
>  * @name     $.checkallCheckbox
>  * @param    click_elem  Checkboxes that are for "Checking All"
>  * @param    boxes_ele  Checkboxes to check when a Check All box is checked
>  * @param    checked  boolean, what to set the checkboxes to.
>  * @author   Charles Peterson (http://www.artistandesigns.com)
>  * @example  $(click_elem).click(function
> (){$.checkallCheckbox(click_elem,boxes_ele,this.checked);});
>  *
>  */
> $.checkallCheckbox = function(click_elem,boxes_ele,checked){
>     // check all the boxes based on clicked element
>     $(boxes_ele).checkDynamic(checked);
>     // make sure all the CheckAll boxes are set the same also
>     $(click_elem).checkDynamic(checked);
> };

I also did this a while ago (so you may have missed it):

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