Below is a consolidated serialize method to accommodate the optimized
vs. semantic issue we've been pursuing recently.  Essentially, this is
Matt Grimm's fastSerialize method with conditional behavior to drive
the semantic logic.  I like how Matt wrote that method and the
semantic stuff drops right in with minor changes.

I've re-written the form plugin to use this and changed the invoking
methods.  Unfortunately I can't post it from inside my firewall at the
moment.  In a nutshell, the changes boil down to adding a 'semantic'
arg to each method and passing that arg along to 'serialize'.


jQuery.fn.serialize = function(semantic) {
    var a = [];

    if (semantic) {
        var ok = {input:true, textarea:true, select:true, button:true};
        var jq = jQuery('*', this).not('option');
    else {
        var jq = jQuery('input,textarea,select,button', this);

    jq.each(function() {
        if (semantic && !ok[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()])

        var n =;
        var t = this.type;

        if ( !n || this.disabled || t == 'reset' ||
            (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !this.checked ||
            (t == 'submit' || t == 'image' || t == 'button') &&
this.form.clicked != this ||
            this.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select' && this.selectedIndex == -1)

        if (t == 'image' && this.form.clicked_x)
            return a.push(
                {name: n+'_x', value: this.form.clicked_x},
                {name: n+'_y', value: this.form.clicked_y}

        if (t == 'select-multiple') {
            jQuery('option:selected', this).each( function() {
                a.push({name: n, value: this.value});

        a.push({name: n, value: this.value});

    return a;

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