2006/10/8, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> the current build script seems to be broken: Only the ajax part of the
> complete jQuery file is parsed, resulting in a lite version with only
> ajax docs removed and api docs and tests with only ajax docs/tests.
> Doing some diff debugging by comparing revisions of the files involved
> (build.xml, build/js/parse.js etc.) didn't reveal anything.
> Any ideas? Is this working with the makefile?

Hi Jörn,

It's not because of the code but because of the "data". There are many
contributors now, using different OS which means different ways to
insert a character when you strike "enter" :-)

In short, the current regexp blockMatch in build/build/lite.js doesn't
take '\r' into account.

A quick and dirty way to fix the problem is to insert .replace( /\r/g,
"" ) just after readFile(...) and before any other replace.



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