Hi Stefan!
> your guess is not even close. If it was about the 'internals' then you 
> would not hear about it because is my job to fix it.
Ok, sorry.
> If you take a look in the code you will see
>             jQuery.ajax(
>                 {
>                     success: function(response)
>                     {
>                         xml = $.httpData(response);
>                          ...
>                    }
>                 }
>              )
> I had to use '$.httpData' so I can work with $('nodename', xml). Before 
> version 1.0.1 I never needed to use it. Now in version 1.0.2 the 
> '$.httpData' is useless.
> Try to imagine how this impacts a real application, with thousands lines 
> of code.
Oh right, that is really ugly. That was quite a heavy API change. 
According to the revision history, John added the call to $.httpData 
with revision 278, I have no idea why that was necessary...

-- Jörn

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