Rik Lomas schrieb:
> Hi guys,
> Just to let you know I've released a new plug-in called pager. It's
> used for paginating long blocks of content in areas such as inflexible
> designs. Any comments and criticism would be greatly received!
> Examples and downloads are on http://rikrikrik.com/jquery/pager/
> Thanks
> Rik

Very beautiful! Unobtrusive at its best.

I suggest to put in the pager links as an unordered list. That gives an 
author a little more flexibility for styling.

You may run into problems with the autoheight if you resize text or if 
the container the pages reside have a fluid width. I have the same 
problem with the tabs plugin.

I use min-height for setting the height there to avoid overflowing 
content, but it's not a 100% solution, because the equal height still 
can get lost.

One could incorporate the jqEm plugin to observe text size changes but 
that still doesn't take a fluid width (== fluid height) into account. 
Maybe you'd have to constantly observe the height of the largest page... 
let me know if you have a solution and vice versa.

-- Klaus

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