
I've seen searching lately for a good way of storing preferences which a 
jQuery script needs later on. The specific information the script needs 
is the starting state of a <div> element (either open or closed). The 
preferences are stored in a DB and sent from there somehow to the 
browser. The "sent" and "storing" part is now the part I am searching for.

After searching around for a while I found several ideas/solutions. But 
none seems to be perfect for me. So I wanted to ask you what is the best 
way to do it:

1) Store the information in an invincible <div> at the end of the page. 
And then parse this div. E.g:
<div id="prefs">
var1: value1;
var2: value2;

2) The js-script gets generated each time the page is called. And the 
corresponding vars are set in there.

3) Every time the page is loaded the js-script asks the server for a XML 
(or JSON) file with the preferences in there.

4) Write a XHTML DTD module in order to extend the div element with a 
state-attribute. E.g:
<div state="closed">

5) More (and better) ideas?

To say is that those pages are often reloaded.

 From my point of view 3) generates to much traffic on the net. 1) is 
just a hack and therefor not really a good solution. I have my jQuery 
scripts already in an external file. This way they can be cached by the 
browser and don't have to be sent every time. So I don't really like 2) 
either. Right now I would go with 4) unless someone has a better idea.

Does anybody have a better solution?


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