Steven -

This is all an excellent point - and something that I regret doing.

I've posted your notes on the jQuery blog, explaining the situation to everyone.

Thanks again.


On 10/13/06, Steven Wittens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems that the 'success' callback of $.ajax was changed to accept
> as its first argument the actual parsed data rather than the xmlHttp
> object, in 1.0.2? This behaviour broke several Drupal features when I
> upgraded it to jQuery 1.0.2...
> We should really avoid such API changes in the future, or bump up the
> middle version digit instead. In jQuery, the line between what is a
> private function and what is an API call is indeed blurred (so
> guaranteeing compatibility across versions for everything is near-
> impossible), but it would be nice if this stuff was at least
> documented. I looked around and can't seem to find any mention of
> this on the 1.0.2 release notes or on this mailing list.
> In Drupal, we document all API changes on a page with before/after
> examples. If you build such a page when you commit changes to the
> repository, it's not that much work.
> Here's a snippet to document this change (if I got it right):
> == $.ajax callback changed ==
> In jQuery 1.0.2, the first argument to the 'succes' callback has been
> changed to return the actual data rather than the XMLHttpRequest
> object. Use the 'dataType' argument to $.ajax to control how the data
> is returned. Note that jQuery can now parse XML, JSON and JavaScript
> for you this way.
> // jQuery 1.0.1
> $.ajax( {
>    success: function (xmlhttp) {
>      // do stuff with xmlhttp.responseText
>    }
> );
> // jQuery 1.0.2
> $.ajax( {
>    success: function (data) {
>      // do stuff with data
>    }
> );
> Steven Wittens
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