As I read differences in DOM of IE vs. Moz I realized a possible problem
 with accessing $(elm).css('float').
Because accessing inline style props in Moz can be accessed by
way but when we need a value of computed style (like IE .currentStyle) we 
 to reach it via getComputedStyle().
As I know, accessing with style, the prop name is "cssFloat" but with
 computed way it is "float". So we have to handle it differently during 
 and read, but it seems $.curCSS function overrides "float" parameter. Here:

 curCSS: function(elem, prop, force) {
var ret;

  if (prop == 'opacity' && jQuery.browser.msie)
   return jQuery.attr(, 'opacity');

  if (prop == "float" || prop == "cssFloat")
      prop = jQuery.browser.msie ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat";  <--

 cheers rix

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