I need to add/remove and fire custom events.
As an intro example, I have a div with id "TabManager".   TabManager  
has inside a ul and li's  much like others create tabs these days.  I  
want TabManager to be the central object which other components  
listen on for events like "tab_changed('new_tab')".  TabManager will  
also have methods such as "query_tab()" and change_tab("homeTab").

Sure, I can and have implemented this differently.  In prototype, I  
just created a javascript class for this and mitigated custom events  
through it.
However, in jQuery, it seems wise to try a different approach with a  
custom javascript class as a hidden helper object.  For a jQuery  
approach, TabManager is a referencable DOM object instead of a named  
javascript variable.

Any ideas?
thanks, ke han

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