
> The first time I saw line 1, I had no clue what it was doing.  If all it's
> doing is running some jquery before the page is loaded, there's _got_ to be
> a more intuitive, succinct way to say it.

That is not, what it is doing. It calls the callback-function as soon as the 
document is loaded and - if possible - before the Objects included in the 
page (like Images, etc.) are loaded.

You can read $(document).load(function() {...}) like: "as soon as the 
_document_ is _loaded_ execute this _function_".

> But function() { is just too frikin' weird 

No, that is the way, it works. Just read it like: "as soon as _a#shownote_ is 
_clicked_ execute this _function_"

> Readability for people who are relatively new is particularly poured in for
> the world of JavaScript.

Well, CSS is not that readable as well - actually in my view it is even worse. 
I have the impression that you were able to learn it. That makes me rather 
confident, that you can also learn JavaScript. It isn't really that 
complicated - you already have the best tool to make it easier for you: 

> Lots of people add a little JavaScript  to a page 
> and then don't do much more coding for another couple of months.

Well, then they should listen to the german yellow-pages-advertisements: He 
should have asked someone who knows the ropes. Sorry, but if I (as a 
programmer) only design a Logo once in a while I ask someone else to do it.

Not that I could't lean how to do it - I'm actually rahter good at painting 
and my taste isn't that bad as well, it is just that I don't whant to invest 
the time for learning and don't expect fried doves to fly into my mouth. 
JQuery makes your life a lot easier, but you can't programm without 
programming - even with jQuery.


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