That fixed it completely. Thank you very much!

>Reply-To: "jQuery Discussion." <>
>Subject: Re: [jQuery] Mouseover/out + CSS background image behavior change 
>in IE between r
>Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 18:56:18 -0700 (PDT)
>Hello, I believe this is IE background-image flickering problem you are
>In jQuery code...
>//Stop IE flicker
>if ($.browser.msie == true) {
>document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true);
>Prague Expat wrote:
> >
> > Does JQuery try to refresh/reload any CSS on mouse events?  In my 
> > of
> > IE (with JQuery rev 413) every mouseover/out is causing all my CSS
> > background images to quickly reload (but not quickly enough, as it is
> > quite
> > noticeable).  I did not have this problem with rev 249 (I just updated 
> > 413 yesterday and noticed the strange behavior).
> >
> > One more thing: the dev PC at work does not show a problem with IE with
> > either JQuery version. My home PC shows the problem with version 413 
> > At home, 249 works perfectly but fails as soon as I try the 413 version.
> >
> > Is it possible that the memory leak fixes (that I understand are in the
> > updated JQuery) are causing quick refreshes on the CSS?
> >
> > Thanks for any insight. Feel free to email be w/questions. pragueexpat
> > (at)
> >
> >
> > code:
> >
> > $(document).ready(function(){
> > //remove anchors in menu table tds - replace w/bkimg
> >  $(".menuanchor").remove();
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > $(".links").click(function(){".php"});
> > $("#logo").click(function(){window.location="/bho/index.php"});
> > 
> > = function(options) {    var self = this;    this.options = {        //
> > transitions: easein, easeout, easeboth, bouncein, bounceout,        //
> > bounceboth, elasticin, elasticout, elasticboth        transition:
> > 'easein',        // trigger events: mouseover, mousedown, mouseup, 
> > dblclick        triggerEvent:  'mouseover',        // number of ms to
> > delay before hiding menu (on page load)        loadHideDelay : 500,
> > // number of ms to delay before hiding menu (on mouseout)
> > blurHideDelay:  500,        // number of ms for transition effect
> > effectDuration: 500    }    // make sure to check if options are given!
> > if(options) {        $.extend(this.options, options);    }    return
> > this.each(function() {        var menu = $("#drop";
> > menu.closed = true;        menu.hide();        menu.hide = function() {
> > if(menu.css('display') == 'block' && !menu.closed) {
> > menu.BlindUp(                    self.options.effectDuration,
> > function() {                        menu.closed = true;
> > menu.unbind();                    },
> > self.options.transition                );            }      $(".dropmenu
> > li").css("fontWeight","normal");        } = function() 
> > if(menu.css('display') == 'none' && menu.closed) {
> > menu.BlindDown(                    self.options.effectDuration,
> > function() {                        menu.closed = false;
> > menu.hover(function() {
> > clearTimeout(menu.timeout);                        }, function() {
> > menu.timeout = setTimeout( function() {
> > menu.hide();                            }, self.options.blurHideDelay);
> > });                    },                    self.options.transition
> > );            }           //highlight each li option on mouseover
> > 
> > }        //show drop down when mouseover table tds
> > self.bind("mouseover", function() {;        });
> > //hide drop downs if mouseout of table tds        self.bind("mouseout",
> > function() {          menu.timeout = setTimeout( function()
> > {menu.hide();},self.options.blurHideDelay);        });    });};
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > jQuery mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
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