> I've got an issue with using the Interface idrag.js. 
> ... what I see (using the DOM inspector from the web developer
> toolbar for Firefox) is that the node tree is correctly cloned,
> except that the "value" property of the textArea is not replicated.
> Hence the cloned drag object has no text in it. ...
> A further wrinkle is that if the original text area contained initial text
> within tag (e.g. "<textarea class='text' rows="8">flibble</textarea>")
> then that text (in this case "flibble") appears during the drag, even
> if I have typed new text into the textArea before dragging.
> Has anyone else come across this problem and found any way
> of addressing it?

Here's what the W3C says about cloneNode:

"Cloning an Element copies all attributes and their values, including those
generated by the XML processor to represent defaulted attributes, but this
method does not copy any text it contains unless it is a deep clone, since
the text is contained in a child Text node."

Most people would want dynamic property values to be copied as well, but it
looks like FF uses the defaulted attributes; is the W3C is saying that's
compliant behavior? (The sentence isn't very clear to me.) Firefox does
something similar when you get .innerHTML on an element, it represents the
default attributes and not the current state.

The only workaround I can think of is to copy the dynamic values that got
left behind right after cloning.

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