I like that :D

A way around the one element-one tick would be to have an optional second argument on interval and timeout to label the tick. e.g. interval(1000, "abc")
bind("tick-abc", function() {})


On 10/20/06, Dave Methvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since the event handling has recently been fixed to avoid IE memory leaks,
could we leverage that? After all, a timer is an event.


basically would map to this:

setInterval(function(){ $("#time").trigger("tick") }, 1000);

An interval of 0 would stop the timer. A one-time trigger could be done like


The handler looks like this:

$("#time").bind("tick", function(){
        this.text(new Date());

BTW, _javascript_ timer receipts are just numbers so they can be assigned to
an object without causing a closure.

This approach would limit to one tick event per element--some might consider
that a feature--but you could always pass in another event name as the
second arg to timeout or interval.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of John Resig
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:40 PM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] jQuery Kinda Plugin: every

What if you had a trifecta of functions:

and allow for function calls like this:

.every( 100, "text", function(){
    if ( !$(this).val() )

or if you don't care about a name:

.in( "slow", function(){

or if you wanna get really interesting, make it so that you can stop
function calls by how long their timer is set for:

.every( 500, function(){
    $("#foo").load(" test.html");
.every( 100, function(){
    if ( !$(this).val() )

Just throwing out some ideas, let me know which ones stick.


On 10/19/06, Blair Mitchelmore < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And I just realized I should make it possible to stop the repeating
> function later on.
> Code:
> jQuery.fn.every = function(interval,fn) {
>     return this.each(function() {
>         var self = this;
>         this.$every = window.setInterval(function() { fn.call(self)
> },interval);
>     });
> };
> Example:
> // Display the current time updated every 500 ms
> $("p.display").every(500,function() {
>     $(this).html(new Date());
> });
> //... some point later in the code execution
> $("p.display").each(function() {
>     window.clearInterval(this.$every);
>     this.$every = null;
> });
> -blair
> Blair Mitchelmore wrote:
> > I don't know if this exists already but I needed this and assumed it
> > didn't and wrote it myself. Essentially it lets you do something to
> > an element every given time interval.
> >
> >
> > -blair
> >

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