On 10/20/06, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert schreef:
> > I have just found jQuery today and started using it. Very nice. I am
> > looking to change the values in one combo box based on the choice in
> > another combo box. Does jQuery have something like that or something
> > similiar that you can point me to?
> >
> quick code here so it may not work 'out-of-the-box'
> $('#combo1').change(function () {
>     $.get('file.html', {param: $(this).val()}, function(comboitems) {
>        $(this).after('<select name="combo2"
> id="combo2">'+comboitems+'</select>');
>     });
> });
> The first line is an event trigger that fires when an item gets selected
> The second line is an ajax call with the selected element as a parameter
> to extract the  right items,  the parameter in the function is the
> response from the called page. I assume the response are option tags.
> The third line adds an element after the first select so you don't have
> to hard code it in your html file.
> I hope that was what you were thinking about and i hope the explaination
> is clear enough.

That was actually more than I was hoping for. I was thinking "go look
here" kind of advice.



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