Isn't there a way do something like find("dt").not(":child") or maybe like you do in LDAP and tell find to do a one level search instead of subtree search?

On 10/23/06, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > how do I search for a children within a context?
> >
> > In other words, how to translate this:
> > $(context).children("dt")...
> > into something like this:
> > $("/dt", context)....
> >
> > The latter one does unfortuanetely not work...
> I'm confused - could you give an example with some HTML code and show
> exactly what result you're looking for?
> My first reaction would be to use $( 'dt', context ) to get all DT
> elements
> within the context element. But are you looking for first-level children
> only instead of all DT elements, or something like that?

Consider a definition list (dl) as the context: When using $('dt', context'), I'd select nested dl/dts, and I want to avoid that.

I'll give ' > dt' a try...

Jörn Zaefferer
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