Hi Sean,

look at http://imaptools.com:8081/maps/demo.html
and double click on the map, then click the toggle button under the map.

This is currently broken on IE, because of
(Which I hope gets FIXED soon, please!)

You want to use xpath to extract values from your xml.


Sean O wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application that's loading values as XML from a text file on
> startup.
> I can see the data displayed fine, but I need to get it into an array to
> work with.
> the code:
>       // returns XML data as
> "<response><string>...</string><string>...</string></response>
>       $.post("proc_loadhistory.php",{}, function(xml){
>               rawxml = $("string",xml).text();  // get text of each 
> <string></string>
>               $('#output').html(rawxml);  // displays ALL <string>s clumped 
> together
> outputs:
>       "data1data2data3..."
> Soo... I need to be able to save this data (rawxml) in an array I can work
> with so that I can access individual <string> records by number (such as
> mystring[2] for the 3rd value).
> e.g.
>       // output value in second <string> field
>       $("#button2").click(function(){
>               $('#output').html('rawxml[1]');   // <-- doesn't work, just an 
> example of
> what i need
>       });
> Tried googling and scanning the docs, couldn't find anything.
> Can someone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks.
> ________

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