Hi guys, i've made a new plugin and added it to SVN. It is still in beta 
(== bugs) so don't use yet untill fully tested.

This plugin actually started out as a remake of the CRIR (Checkbox Radio 
Input Replacement) code found on the websites of Chris Erwin, Yeduha 
Kratz and Kawika.org. I wanted to make a version which used the power of 
jQuery to create thesame effects, but then a little bit better. When i 
finished my early draft code, it worked on both CHECKBOX and RADIO 
elements, and was 4.9kb in size (uncompressed). Right about then, i got 
the idea to combine my "old" jButton code (which used IMG tags and SRC 
attributes to create simple buttons) with this code, and code a solution 
which could be used to add a :hover class to almost any element. Well, 
here you have it; 17.3Kb in size, 4kb compressed and even smaller 
GZIP'd, an all-in-one solution to fix most of your problems.

Demo page:

Please test and let me know if there are any bugs. If not, i'll commit 
it to SVN.

-- Gilles

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