mrkris, Steven,

Wow, believe it or not I never noticed that. I guess I don't use fixed
height divs too often.  I'm working on a fix for that but am having a
hard time with IE6 (surprise, surprise).  I may need to call in the
big guns (aka, Dave Methvin).


> > The corners appear 1/2 way down the element, it doesn't scale at all.
> > Hope this makes sense. Anyone run into this or know how to fix this?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> I had the same yesterday, the examples on the demo page are using a
> padding of 20px ... that with the height is not working properly
> (ignoring the height ?). I now also just use the padding to make the
> rounded box bigger/smaller.... not the best way i think but it works...

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