Klaus Hartl schrieb:
> Yehuda Katz schrieb:
>> Jorn made some modification to make it possible (I believe) to choose 
>> specific plugins. I think you need to use with_plugins as an optional 
>> MODIFIER now, so you could do ant docs with_plugins, or ant pack 
>> with_plugins. I could be wrong though.
> The task does not merge the plugins into the jQuery build though. I
> don't see how Ant knows how to add the plugins given in the parameter
> PLUGINS to the jQuery build task... That is why I assumed that work is
> in progress. But I'm not to firm with Ant anyway.
> <target name="with_plugins" description="Build jquery with all plugins">
>      <antcall target="jquery">
>          <param name="PLUGINS" value="${PLUGINS_ALL}" />
>      </antcall>
> </target>
Your jquery target should look like this:
<target name="jquery">
        <echo message="Building ${JQ}" />
        <mkdir dir="${DIST_DIR}" />
        <concat destfile="${JQ}">
            <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="intro.js" />
            <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="jquery/*.js" />
            <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="event/*.js" />
            <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="fx/*.js" />
            <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="ajax/*.js" />
            <fileset dir="${PLUGIN_DIR}" includes="${PLUGINS}" />
            <fileset dir="${SRC_DIR}" includes="outro.js" />
        <echo message="${JQ} built." />

It anything useful is found in the PLUGINS property, it is concatenated 
in the build. And as the with_plugins sets all plugins into that 
property, before it calls the jquery task, it should just do what it 

I made that change while there was the newline problem in the jQuery 
source, preventing me from testing that properly. Please tell me if it 
now really works or not, either way, I try to add some docs...

Jörn Zaefferer


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