> I just came across something in IE, that I hadn't noticed so far: It 
> seems that the escape key triggers some action by default:
> Say you have a link which on click opens a form via slide down. If you 
> then press the escape key, the form slides up again... Is it just me or 
> did someone else notice that as well? Just wondering if it's Plazes 
> specific due to my style of coding.
> For example have a look at the http://plazes.com homepage (sorry, this 
> is no advertise): There's a login link in the upper right corner, that 
> triggers a login form to be revealed. If the form is visible in IE press 
> escape and you will see, that it gets hidden again...
> I really don't know what's happening?

Do you use Thickbox for that form? If so, take a look at it's document.onkeyup 
binding. If not: Ugh, no idea.

I took a look, but couldn't find it for myself...

Jörn Zaefferer

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