> Gilles,
> There is also a scenario where user checks few checkboxes then decides 
> to select all, the result is that the previously checked boxes toggle 
> back to un-checked. The select-all function only needs to toggle between 
> select all and select none.
> What do you think?
You are absolutely right.

I've done some more fixes on the cssHover, but the demo is now offline. 
Basicly i added a new function, so you can use "this.click()" to toggle 
the state, and "this.chSetState(true|false)" to change the state. You 
can also use "this.chSetState(true|false, TRUE)" to force the change, 
even on disabled items since they normally don't get updated.

I'll commit the changes tonight to SVN, if John fixes the SVN errors and 
Server errors.

-- Gilles

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