On 11/15/06, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I often times just need to know the value of one form element and
> > > sometimes that could be a group of radio buttons, a select, a multiple
> > > select or just a regular input. The current $.val() method is limited
> > > only to inputs. I was curious if anyone else needed this funtionality
> > > and if it should be in a plugin or in the core?
> >
> > I would definitely like to see val() work on any form element. I
> > frankly didn't know that it doesn't.  It only makes sense that it
> > would since there would be no point in implementing the function if it
> > only replaces $('input')[0].value. I believe the true power of most of
> > jQuery is the fact that it abstracts some really complex code into a
> > really simple API. Having one function that will get the current value
> > >from any form element (a String for most elements, or an array for
> > multiple selects) would be a real win, and it should be in the core.
> >
> > The other argument I can see is the filesize one.  Keeping the core
> > jQuery filesize down is a great goal for the project. So, if you guys
> > see an enhanced val() function as only required if one is working with
> > forms as far as Ajax is concerned, then perhaps it should be enhanced
> > as part of the ajax.js file in the core so that it can be easily
> > removed if no ajax stuff is needed for a project. Otherwise, the only
> > other place I see it being appropriate is as part of the Form plugin.
> >
> > I would personally like to have it in the core. Getting and setting
> > info about DOM elements is the bread-and-butter of jQuery, so a more
> > powerful val() function would be a good use of bandwidth in my mind.
> Currently val() is only a shortcut, but doesn't encapsulate anything useful. 
> It would be nice to have it handling some more stuff.
> I wouldn't like to have it in an external plugin, that makes it difficult to 
> access or find it when you actually need that functionality.
> Some thoughts about the implementation:
> - single select: Nothing to worry about, right?
> - multiple select: Get it's option:selected children and put their values 
> into an array, empty array when nothing is selected
> - radio: Find the input:radio siblings with the same name and get the value 
> from the one that is checked, ??? when nothing is selected
> - checkbox: combination of radio and select: Find input:checkbox siblings 
> that are checked and put their values into an array, empty array when nothing 
> is checked
> - everything else: stick to the simple value
> For radios/checkboxes: Can we rely on searching for siblings? Or do we need 
> to search for the name inside the current form?
> I have this in my validation plugin to check the number of selected 
> checkboxes/radios:
> return $(element).parents('form, body').find('[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + 
> element.name + ']:checked').length;

I've used something similar which, as I understand, should be a little
more efficient:

return $(element.form).find('[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + element.name + 

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