> After i've done a lot (+8 weeks!) of work on the window class it's now 
> ready to be released to the public for beta testing. I'm hoping to 
> release this plugin at the same time jQuery 1.1 becomes available, but 
> all bugs have to be squised off course.

Well, whatever may come, you were quite succesful in building a hype around 
your project.

> The plugin makes use of my cssHover plugin ( 
> http://gilles.jquery.com/cssHover/ ) and some of the plugins uit of the 
> interface pack ( http://interface.eyecon.ro/ ). This way, i didn't have 
> to rewrite code again. So thanks Stefan for your work on interface, it 
> made this plugin possible.

You simply have to love the use of the transfer effect! Very cool.

> There is a demo page online at my jQuery site: 
> http://gilles.jquery.com/window/
> Please be advised not yet to use this plugin, since it may contain bugs, 
> even though i have tried to keep it to a minimum. The documentation is 
> in the source code and below in this email.

Most bugs can only be found when people start using stuff...

> Known issues:
> - The iframe hack isn't added yet, because that caused a massive 
> performance drop in MSIE. Doesn't cover select boxes yet.

That performance drop should be the same for Thickbox and alike. Why isn't it 
an issue there?

> - There is currently only one theme available (XP Aqua), but there will 
> be more before i release the plugin so you see how to make your own.

That would be great. The XP Aqua look is not that great: Even if the client 
uses Windows XP, there is no way to tell if he actually uses that theme or 
designs at all.

But it would be very useful to see more examples for themes.

> - Only one callbacks yet: onLoad, suggestions are welcome

Consider using custom events whenever your code doesn't "care" for listeners. 
To decide that: Does the behaviour of your code change when the callback is 
provided? If yes, stick to the callback. If no, bind handlers to custom events 
and either create a new method to trigger that event or just reuse an existing 
event. Though "load" wouldn't be a good idea.

> - Minimize/maximize functionality

Maximize is a little fuzzy with limited maximum size.

> - Windows behaviour: doubleclick titlebar to maximize or restore if 
> minimized

To finetune the behaviour: Set a default pointer for the text inside the 
titlebar (instead of text selection pointer). Dunno if that is even possible, 
but would be nice.

> - Stays in center if you say so, as long as the titlebar wasn't dragged.
> - When maximized, the window remains in view when you scroll the page

That is a little odd. When maximized, I'd think that there is no page to see 
that could be scrolled.

> Other than that, you can set a lot of options:
> - Use transfer effects (explode / implode)

Demo please!

> - Opacity
> - Restricted to parent


To quote King Crimson: The more I look at it, the more I like it!

Jörn Zaefferer

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