> > That sounds like a good solution to me. It puts the form code with other
> > form code.
> >
> > I just started using the form plugin today and noticed that it doesn't pass
> > along the error callback in ajaxSubmit. I've changed my local copy but I
> > suspect others might want that as well.
> That's a great point, Dave.  Maybe I should just pass along the
> original options object (slightly modified) to the ajax method.

I've taken a stab at adding fieldValue and fieldSerialize to the form
plugin.  Please let me know if this impl makes sense.  I also
refactored ajaxSubmit so that it passes its options arg on to the
$.ajax method (so any $.ajax options flow right through).

I've got a test page up here:  http://malsup.com/jquery/form/field.html


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