> I may be showing my ignorance here, but why (or maybe
> more appropriately "how") would invalid json code get
> returned by your ajax call?  

Ignorance, no. Lack of WTF imagination, yes. :-) On the server I was testing
against, status codes like 404 and 500 are mapped into 200 as a workaround
for the problem with IE's "friendly error messages". Instead of a generic IE
"Page cannot be displayed" with no site-specific instructions, users get a
formatted HTML page explaining the problem and suggesting some solutions.
However, as a result the json code couldn't tell the difference between a
good return of json and a bad return with an HTML page--they're both status

Lacking a try/catch in httpParam, I would just call the return text instead
of json and then eval it myself. It's not a lot of extra work, but it did
seem like other people might be running into the same issue so that's why I

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