Suppose you work on a site with other developers.  You create a function
called "GetCookie".  One of your collegues creates a function called the
same thing, but it does something a little differently.  So, your code

With namespaced code you can define your function inside of a "package".
This package has a namespace you provide... org.krstic.util.GetCookie.
Because your code has a namespace, it's less likely to collide with someone
else' code.

This is how the world of Java, Python, Ruby, .Net, and other modern OO
languages work.  If you take a look at Dojo and YUI, you'll find that those
libraries are namespaced.  jQuery does not have to be namespaced...although,
you can argue that it collides with other libraries that use the $()
convenience selector.

If you work on a site or product that has lots of javascript and multiple
developers working on it, namespaces are a good thing.


On 11/16/06, Dragan Krstic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

unction package(ns) {
>    ns = ns.split('.');
>    var cur = window, i;
>    while ( i = ns.shift() ) {
>        if ( !cur[i] ) cur[i] = {};
>        cur = cur[i];
>    }
> }
For us, less expirienced, can  someone explain  this code? And what is
benefit od namespaces?

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