I mean, I guess it boils down to this. You either like writing this:


or you prefer this:

<CFQUERY NAME= "pocket" DATASOURCE= "contents_of_my_pocket">
SELECT firstname, lastname, address, age
FROM friends
WHERE firstname='%s' AND

<CFOUTPUT QUERY= "pocket">
#firstname# <br>
#lastname# <br>
#address# <br>
#age# <br>

I prefer the latter.

So hopefully from my explanation, you can see that it boils down to personal preference instead of actual deficiencies in the product or even lack of future support for CFML.


Ha! I just wrote a very similar reply. And to the reply after this one (the one that says, no serious php programmer uses mysql_query() anymore), I did know of one class that I used on a project to abstract the database stuff for me, but I think it sucked that I had to find a class and use it. Why wouldn't the simplicity of dealing with databases be in-built to the language? I am glad to hear that there are better ways of doing things in php other than mysql_query(), and the like.

Given that (and this next bit is *purely* personal preference), I don't like the "=>" method of referencing objects. I much prefer the dot notation. But I've already said that in another part of this thread. :o)

Good discussion folks, I really hope all this helps the original poster! :oD

Paul McLanahan wrote:
I have one vote against CF.  I do know that it is both easy and
powerful, and I certainly don't knock it for that.  But it's yet
another closed-source platform. I'm no open-source zealot, however the
prospect of moving several sites from CF to another solution because
Adobe kills it or is bought my MS or goes in a direction you don't
like, is daunting.  I like having full control over the platform. I
like being able to take my code and go home if the project wants to go
in another direction.  I like to be able to propose and submit code to
my platform of choice. And I really like knowing that the whims of an
executive board can't make me change my code.

I say this from experience. I've been in situations where we've bought
some portal solution or web platform, only to have it go in a
direction that doesn't fit our customizations a year later, and we
were left holding the bag.  It was awful and we were left with a very
expensive POS.

I know CF has been around for a long time. It was one of the first web
platforms on which I developed, but I much prefer PHP, Ruby, Python or
even Perl now because of the reasons I mentioned. In the Enterprise
space you don't have a good open-source option until Java is fully
open, but for apps like you are proposing some good ole PHP+MySQL is
too good and ubiquitous to pass up. And like others have said, if you
need the structure, use Symfony, Cake, RoR or another framework.

Another reason I don't like CF is the actual code.  It just feels like
you're not coding. I enjoy writing code and programming, and <cfloop>
just doesn't feel right to me, but that's just a personal preference.
Writing Ruby is euphoric. It's just beautiful code. But, it's not very
prevalent yet (though I do love RoR). Hosts for RoR are harder to find
that CF. Writing PHP is utilitarian in that you can get in and get out
easily and it just works. And now with version 5 the object
orientation features no longer suck. I haven't tried Python yet though
I really want to. I've seen apps built on Python (Trac) and they are
great.  And while Perl is powerful, I just don't feel right using it
to write web apps, and it can be very difficult to read.

This is certainly nothing against the CF devs here.  I know that CF is
very much available, easy, powerful, etc., etc.. But, I'm just gun-shy
about devoting so much of my time to a platform over which I can exert
no control.


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