Klaus Hartl schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I found that with the animate function now removing inline styles after 
> the animation is complete that breaks the tabs animations in IE 6/7.
> You can see that here:
> http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs_test/
> Just pick an example with an animation. What happens is that after the 
> hide animation the element shows up for some milliseconds and then gets 
> hidden again via an a attached class.
> The problem is the time when the inline styles get removed, consider 
> following code:
> toHide.animate(hideAnim, hideSpeed, function() {
>      // with the new animate inline styles are removed here for the 
> toHide element - too early!
>      toShow.removeClass(settings.hideClass).animate(showAnim, showSpeed, 
> function() {
>          // in Tabs I remove all inline styles in the second callback 
> manually which works with 1.03
>      });
> });
> The problem does not occur in jQuery 1.03. I was using some later 
> version because of the IE event bugs.
> Any ideas?
> -- Klaus

My assumption was wrong (sorry Brandon for the false alarm). That 
happens if I attach a custom 'activate' event (for the history support). 
This was done to have access to the plugin settings...: Ugh.

tabs.bind('activate', function() {});

Still no idea how to fix this.


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