Dan Atkinson wrote:
> If you do release another version, I would maybe suggest a little less
> arrogance on your part, ...
Eh, I think Gilles was just having fun and not trying to be arrogant. 
For cryin' out-loud, that's what the damned emoticons were created for, 
in the first place.
I think those folks who considered his post arrogant just missed the 
smiley at the end of the sentence. Maybe he could have included a J/K or 
something to better indicate it. I dunno, I just hate seeing the guy 
dragged over the coals because he was trying to poke a little fun.  :o(

Of course, I guess I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. Anyway, 
that's a bit OT, I suppose. :o)


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