On Nov 30, 2006, at 2:25 AM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

>  I tried to update the position again
> after the tooltip is displayed (with delay), but that causes an  
> annoying
> flicker. Anyone has any idea how to work around that?
When I was updating the jTip plugin, I ran into the same problem that  
Brice mentions below with the scrollbar flicker (in FF only.)
I never did get around to exploring the issue any further, but if I  
find some time and manage to come up with something to get rid of  
that little annoyance, I'll let you know. Likewise, I'd love to hear  
if you discover anything.


On Nov 29, 2006, at 5:08 PM, Brice Burgess wrote:
> Awesome work. One quirk I found in FF 2.0 (which may be unavoidable)
> is a flashing of the scrollbar @ demo page when displaying the  
> tooltips
> in lower right corner.

Karl Swedberg
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