I'd recomened you CakePHP or CodeIgniter. Nowadays, I use CodeIgniter
because is more easy than CakePHP but CakePHP has more posibilities like
CakeAMFPHP for Flash communication between Flash and PHP. A
Model-View-Controller framework, I think, is the best model for programming

I use CodeIgniter with jQuery without problems.

2006/12/5, Felix Geisendörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 CakePHP is what I'd recommend you. Besides being a part-time jQuery
evangelist I truly belong to the church of CakePHP as well. Other then the
Zend framework it is not only a loose collection of useful code, it is
actually a very elegant organizational structure to put your code in. It was
originally inspired by Ruby on Rails and has many of it's features
(ActiveRecord Models, Controllers, Views, Helpers,etc.) but has taken it's
own path and introduced a lot of own features.

It has an an excellent Manual <http://manual.cakephp.org/>, a great
community <http://groups-beta.google.com/group/cake-php>, quick support
via IRC <http://irc.cakephp.org/> (all of the core devs hang out there),
people actively blogging about it (CakeBaker <http://cakebaker.42dh.com/>,
Jonathan Snook <http://snook.ca/archives/cakephp/>, 
and some others <http://www.cakephp.org>) and a dedicated 
With the latest release <http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/174> it
also just recieved a significant performance boost.

Code igniter is nice, but I don't think it's educational effect is as big
as CakePHP's. It let's you get away with a low skill level / bad practices
more easily (afaik). Symfonie is pretty nice and stable, however I really
don't like how you have to configure *everything* in thousands of YAML
files. CakePHP takes an approach of conventions over configuration, leaving
all freedom you need, but not annoying you with details when not required.
The only thing you have to setup to get it running is the database
connection (assuming you want to use one, otherwise skip that as well).

I'd be happy to see you becoming a baker soon!

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

Clodelio Delfino wrote:

For me, i'd recommend CodeIgniter... http://www.codeigniter.com, this
framework works in PHP4 and PHP5 and follows MVC pattern.It has an easy
to follow Documentation, examples and responsive community. CI +
JQuery... no more, no less... c",)


Aaron Heimlich wrote:

 On 12/4/06, bmsterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hey all,
A partially non-jquery question, anyone use any php frameworks?  I was
looking at the zend framework, but not sure if it is any good.

 The  Zend Framework[1] is still being developed (0.6 is due sometime
this month), but IMO it looks very promising, especially with all of
the new
MVC stuff. A roadmap can be found at
http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV/Project+Management+Team .
it has actually been used in production environments with a good
amount of
success (for a framework still in heavy development).

If you use a php frame work can you post a url and why you like it?

As I said, the Zend Framework looks really good. I've also heard good
about CakePHP[2].



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