Corey Jewett schrieb:
> Safari crashed for me. :(
We had that before. Fortuanetely, with the new and improved *blingbling* 
testsuite, it is easier to track down the issue. All we, or rather you, 
as jQuerys primary-safari-tester, need is a local webserver (eg. Apache 
with PHP installed). And we, well, you, need to check out the latest 
jQuery from SVN and run the "test" target build. Point the apache 
directory to jQuery or copy simply the complete jquery folder into the 
htdocs folder and run test/index.html. Safari should crash again. Now 
remove all four xxxTest.js includes from index.html and check it. Safari 
shouldn't crash anymore. Undo and add one by one of the includes (core, 
ajax, fx, event). Somewhere Safari should start crashing again. I 
suspect it will be coreTest.js. If it is, start removing parts of 
coreTest.js until Safari doesn't crash anymore. Now we should have found 
one or more culprits. Any debugging that could help track down the 
actual issue would be a great help too. In any way, report anything you 
may find in the bug tracker or here. Thanks.
> I also did some tcpdumps and poked through them in wireshark.  
> Eventually it dawned on me that your problem with setting custom  
> headers is that IE may only accept valid HTTP headers -- something in  
> the HTTP specs, something IE specific, or an X-* header. Note that x- 
> requested-with is definitely working for both IE6 and IE7. Try X- 
> Custom-Header and see what happens.
Interesting point, thanks. I tried it with different X- requests, but 
none worked. Maybe there is a problem with my local webserver or my php 
file, though it is more likely that it is an IE-issue, as other browsers 
work. I'll check Wireshark...

Jörn Zaefferer

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