Thx for your answers, but unfortunately any dynamic script will not be run by 
ie6. I think this is just an ie6 bug that I will have to live with.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jörn Zaefferer
Sent: dinsdag 5 december 2006 22:42
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] ajax question with javascript on called page in ie6

Ronald Haring - Tripolis schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying hard to get the following scenario to work. On page 1 
> there is a link, when clicked an ajax page will be loaded and shown in 
> a div. However this ajax page contains some javascripts and this is 
> not executed in ie6. I think the problem is with ie6 but if anyone 
> knows of a workaround I will be gratefull. For now I will put all the 
> javascript that I will ever receive from these ajax pages in the 
> calling page but this poses a lot of problems. (since these ajax pages 
> are part of a wizard, the next button should be enabled and disabled 
> based on certain conditions which are different on each page of course).
Could you please update to the latest revision of jQuery and test it?

If you don't have SVN access, check these:

The issue you are describing should be fixed in this revision.

Jörn Zaefferer

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