I have a script running at home that does that.  It updates a local
copy via svn, then runs 'ant all' to build all of the stuff.  It then
builds a tar.gz from that and makes it available on my web server at
home.  I then have another cron job on a machine at work that uses
wget to download the tar.gz and then unzips it. It wasn't that large a
pain to write.  I'd tell you guys the URL of my nightly build but I'm
afraid that my poor DSL connection at the house isn't up to the task.
I could probably setup yet another cron job to FTP it to some web
hosting I have.  If we can't get it done on the jquery.com server then
I can do that.  Otherwise, I could set it up on John's server if I had
the proper access.  It would be hard to provide a script w/o knowledge
of install paths or file locations.


On 12/7/06, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian Miller schrieb:
> > You know, we see this request a lot.
> >
> > John (or somebody), can you cron-job a nightly build?
> >
> > I don't want to be pushy or anything, but I think that would make a bunch
> > of people very happy.
> >
> There is even a bug report for a nightly build. If you find some time to
> write the necessary script: I guess that would help a lot. As John
> mentioned somewhere: He isn't a sysadmin.
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer
> http://bassistance.de
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