Hi all.  I'd like to submit the jQuery API docs to the gotAPI.com folks (
http://www.gotapi.com/contribute/index.html).  To do this we have to submit
the jQuery doc in an XML format that has URLs that point to the jQuery doc
hosted on jquery.com (http://jquery.com/api/).  However, the problem with
our current API doc pages is that the methods aren't linkable... an anchor
seems to be appended to the method URLs, but they're not real anchors since
if you try to navigate to a specific method with the anchor, it doesn't work
(i.e., http://jquery.com/api/#get).

John R, what's the state of the API docs?  Is it currently being reworked?
I noticed that 1.0.3 isn't up yet.  If so, can we make sure that the new
version has permalinks for each method?

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