$(':visible', this).length == 0  (Or 1, if the root of the context is
returned, which I'm not sure of.)

Note: This will be kind of inefficient if you're working with a big DOM tree.

- Brian

> Hello all,
> How can I check if a given element is visible or not (i.e. has
> display:block).
> I have the folowing situatioin - I need to hide all <li class="label">
> elements that have ALL their <li class="clearfix"> descendant hidden.
> (if one or more of the <li class="clearfix"> descendants is visible, then
> the
> "label" must stay visible). I intend to do sometning like that:
>     $("div.specifications li.label").each(function() {
>         to_hide = 1;
>         $(" li.clearfix", this).each(function() {
>             if($(this).IS_VISIBLE to_hide = 0;
>         })
>         if($.trim(this.innerHTML) == '&nbsp;')
> $(this).parent().parent().toggle();
>         if(to_hide) {
>           $(this).hide();
>         }
>      })
>      What might IS_VISIBLE be ?
>      Any hints ?
> --
> Best regards,
> Stoyan                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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