Blair McKenzie schrieb:
> You could put the size in the url (i.e. url?width=xxx&height=yyy) and
> then parse out the values on click.

Thanks Blair, my bad english!?

I must generate the width/height dynamic/on the fly from the File. I
known not the width/height!
Your suggest is good for static load, not for me. :(

>> i would load a Video on a Page after click a Link, works fine.
>> What can i do, the width and height is not known.
>> This is my Code:
>> $("#content").append("<object id='wmv' type='video/x-ms-wmv'
>> width='' height='' data='"+url+"' > .... and so on
>> I must have the width and height of the File that saved under 'url'
>> Is there a way?

Viele Grüße, Olaf


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