Klaus Hartl schreef:
> Edwin Martin schrieb:
>> I created the scriptdoc-file needed for code assist in Aptana.
>> You can download it here:
>> http://www.bitstorm.org/edwin/jquery/
> Thanks Edwin! Great job!
> I have sometimes problems with Aptana and large JS files (for example 
> when opening the complete, uncompressed jQuery file) - it's getting 
> reeeeeeeal slow then -, but I'm using it nevertheless.
I'm using the normal, uncompressed JS-file (not the annotated version). 
So I don't think you will have performance issues.

The API for Aptana is in a seperate scriptdoc-file.

On my 1.7GHz notebook I don't notice any performance issues. Well, 
actually I do: I work much faster now ;-)

Edwin Martin

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