
I today upgraded the internal development version of our site from  
jQuery 1.0.3 to jQuery 1.0.4. The upgrade caused some minor troubles  
which I'd like to report:

We use following simple snippet to get a certain :hover effect for  
our tables:

$("table.ruler tbody tr,table.ruler > tr").hover(
             function(e) { $(this).addClass("ruled"); return true; },
             function(e) { $(this).removeClass("ruled"); return true; }

This continues to function but spams the Safari JavaScript error  
console with following error message if the mouse pointer hovers  
above a text link within the table.
Type error
jquery.js Line: 1036

(line number in reference to jQuery 1.0.4 in the uncompressed  
version). This maybe is some problem with the event-object fixer for  

The effect continues to work, by the way.

Another think I noticed: It seems support for having a string as  
second argument to bind vanished since 1.0.3 - it now seems to always  
expect a function. This should maybe be added to the changelogs - it  
might save others some time in locating problems caused by this  
change or the function should complain during the bind about the  
incompatible datatype. Right now, jQuery 1.0.4 will happily bind an  
event which it cannot handle later on and will die in the  
jQuery.event.handle function.

Markus Peter - SPiN AG                                           

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