Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>> I found a bug in 1.0.4;
>> It has to do with this line:
>> var c = this.events[event.type];
>> In the "handle" function.
>> The error occurs after cliking an ASP button which reloads the page.
>> Unfortunately, i can't give a test page since it is a closed project.  All
>> i can say is that it gives an error stating:
>> "this.events has no properties"
>> Maybe this one can be solved by adding this check?
>> if (!this.events)
>>   return;
>> However, i can't connect to SVN from here, so can someone pick this up?
> It seems like jQuery tries to handle an event that wasn't registered via 
> jQuery. Does that make any sense?
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer
> http://bassistance.de

Hi Jorn,

The thing is, it is not caused by any jQuery binding. It is caused when 
the page loads (and on that test page, i didn't have any jQuery commands 
in it). So nothing jQueryish is going on, only the include of the 
javascript 1.0.4 file. It also does not happen when the page first 
loads, only after pressing a button, then the page reloads, then the 
error fires. And again, i am absolutely 100% sure that there is no 
jQuery code in place yet. Seems like jQuery is trying to handle some 
basic events on its own?

-- Gilles

p.s. browser was ffx

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