Yeah... I'm finding that it's tough to get around this issue since I've been
reading that IE's onload event can't be relied upon for frames.  I've tried
encapsulating my code as a class and surrounding it with a try/catch so I
can avoid the document.domain error, but when IE throws a "Permission
denied" exception it seems to kill the try/catch all together.  IE sucks!


On 12/18/06, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rich Manalang schrieb:
> Anyone know of a good solution to this?
You could take a look at YUI's onAvailable-event implementation. Maybe
you can check for the existance of an element inside the iframe. Though
that won't help if you don't control the iframes content.

Jörn Zaefferer

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