Bahh, ignore this email!

It was my own typo, the selector should have been div.item-list>ul,
not div.itemlist>ul as I had.

Now it's working :)


On 12/19/06, digital spaghetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am trying to use the InnerFade plugin on a site I am developing
> using Drupal.  In it, I have a block that lists up to the last 5
> stories posted.  Due to the way Views work in Drupal, I am not able to
> add a class to the UL element directly, the code looks like below:
> <div id="block-views-last_5_stories" class="block block-views">
>       <h2>Last 5 Stories</h2>
>             <div class="content">
>                   <div class="view view-last-5-stories">
>                          <div class="view-content 
> view-content-last-5-stories">
>                             <div class="item-list">
>                                  <ul>
>                                        <li>
>                                           <div class="view-item
> view-item-last-5-stories">
>                                                <div class="view-field
> view-data-node-title">
>                                                        <a href="#">Story 1</a>
>                                                </div>
>                                            </div>
>                                         </li>
>                                      <li>
>                                            <a href="#">Story 2</a>
>                                      </li>
>                                   </ul>
>                                </div>
>                           </div>
>                        </div>
>                   </div>
>              </div>
> Now, the output is rather messy, but it's what I have to deal with :(
> What I am trying to do is find the UL as the child of div.item-list
> using the below code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>              $("div.itemlist>ul").innerfade({
>                     speed: "slow",
>                      timeout: 4000,
>                      type: "sequence",
>                      containerheight: "220px"
>               });
> });
> However, it does not seem to be finding the child UL element.  Can
> anyone tell me where I am going wrong on this?
> Thanks,
> Tane

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