$("#sQuestion").resetInput(). Most plugins create new methods that you can
run on a jQuery selection.

I haven't actually had to reset an entire form before, but I would expect
that you would have to do $("#nLinkForm")[0].reset().
$("#nLinkForm") // select the form
[0] // access the DOM element itself
.reset() // run the reset method on the element


On 12/19/06, Bruce MacKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thanks Blair, this was helpful.

My major fault, it seems, was the .val, not .html issue.  The elements
were inserted correctly.

I still cannot get $("#nLinkForm").reset(); to work, but by looping
through the form elements and setting their value to an empty string or
value to false:
    for (var i=0;i<6;i++){
does clear the form for me.

I'm sorry, but my level of understanding is quite low - what is the syntax
for using resetInput for, say, a text element (#sQuestion).



At 11:23 p.m. 18/12/2006, you wrote:

jQ shouldn't have any problems finding the added elements. Some things to
look at:

   - First, use $("#sQuestion").val('abc') to change form input values,
   not html.
   - Have you tried looking at the DOM with FireBug to make sure the
   elements are being inserted correctly?
   - In terms of what you're actually trying to do, I've used something
   like this when I want to reset only part of a form:
   - jQuery.fn.resetInput() {
   -   return this.each(function() { this.value=this.defaultValue; });
   - };


On 12/18/06, *Bruce MacKay* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Sorry, a typo on my part - I am using #nLinkForm in the code


At 07:58 p.m. 18/12/2006, you wrote:

$("nLinkForm") is looking for nLinkForm tags. You need to use css syntax:
$("#nLinkForm") for id, $(".nLinkForm") for class.


On 12/18/06, Bruce MacKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello folks,
Please excuse this longish post but I'm seriously confused.
I'm building a quiz editor.  I have form (#nLinkForm) which is loaded with
the page and a submit function bound to it.
Once the user has selected the type of quiz, an appropriate set of input
elements (text, textarea, checkbox) is loaded into a div (#aqs) within
"nLinkForm" via an AJAX call.  The questions/answers entered into these
elements are correctly send to the server when the form is submitted.
My problem occurs next - I want to reset the form to clear all the
contents of the input elements in readiness for another set of
question/answers to be entered.
I have an image tag set up with the following code...


 which I had hoped would clear the contents of the text/textarea etc
elements of the form - it doesn't and hence this call for help.  What am I
doing wrong?  A workaround is to load a blank "template" via another ajax
call, but I was hoping to "clear the decks" client-side.
I know the function as a whole is being fired as evidenced by the contents
of the "aqs" div becoming visible/sliding down.
After reading the archives, I also tried $("nLinkForm")[0].reset(); to no
benefit.  Now, after trying $("#sQuestion").html('abc'); as a check to
change the contents of one of the text input elements, I'm now thinking that
jquery cannot "see" the form elements within #aqs.
Is this the correct interpretation of what's happening/not happening?  If
so, how do I ensure that jquery does recognise elements introduced into a
page via an AJAX call?

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