
  This past month I have focused on rewriting the entirety of poMMo (GPL 
PHP Mailing List Software). jQuery has become the base library for 
template files, and a unique interface has been born. This would never 
have been possible without jQuery, the great minds of this forum (err 
mailing list!), and all you jQ plugin authors -- my deepest regards to 
all of you.

  While I don't consider this yet "finished" (when is something ever 
finished?), it is certainly preview-able if not damn near usable ;)

  The subscriber management page sees the most jQuery love, and thus 
I'll link there;


  Please note that this is a software demonstration, and resets twice a 
day. It is also not officially announced -- I thought you guys/gals 
deserve a first look ;) Regular old page is; http://www.pommo.org/

  Anyway, I'd love to hear what you think. Also, if you have any free 
time (yeah right !? :) ), I could sure use some help fixing bugs && 
making things better.

Thanks again,

~ Brice

jQuery mailing list

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