Hi Paul

> Subject: Re: [jQuery] [Interface Elements] onChange callback 
> BROKEN is sortables
> Hi Roger!
> Currently, there is not yet a definite roadmap for Interface. 
> I am now in the process of creating a roadmap and 
> restructuring Interface further on. Since Interface moved 
> into SVN, other developers are welcome to contribute to the 
> project! If you want to, and it's not just small bugfixing, 
> I'd be glad to gear from you, so we can speak about the plans. 

I will let you know if we need a stable version. Right now we 
are prototyping and try out some drag and drop libraries for
our new zope3 portlet implementation.

> I rewrote a huge part of drag & drop last week, after this is 
> finished, sortables will be next.

Cool, I'll take a look at that.

Roger Ineichen
> -Paul 
> 2006/12/17, Roger Ineichen < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >:
>       Hi Brice
>       Thanks for the workaround.
>       I realy like to see that the interface plugin get updated 
>       and is working in the trunk. Is there a way to participate
>       on that development and help to keep the development up to
>       date?
>       If not, what's the roadmap for the interface plugin? And
>       can we count on a stable interface plugin in the future? 
>       Perhaps its a good idea to support a minimal drag, drop and
>       sortable plugin which only focus on that part. I guess it
>       would be easier to support a stable version and keep that
>       in sync with the core development of jquery. 
>       Regards
>       Roger Ineichen
>       > -----Original Message-----
>       > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       > [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] On Behalf Of Brice Burgess
>       > Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:09 AM
>       > To: jQuery Discussion.
>       > Subject: [jQuery] [Interface Elements] onChange callback
>       > BROKEN is sortables 
>       >
>       > There have been many complaints about the onChange callback
>       > being broken in sortables posted to this list -- as well as
>       > some patches providing a a fix. There have been no developer
>       > responses to these posts & it looks like the plugins SVN 
>       > repository @ jquery.org has not seen any action regarding
>       > this issue -- which is relatively unfortunate as this is
>       > perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT of the callbacks. After all, once 
>       > things are sorted -- don't you want to save that state? :)
>       >
>       > Anyway... I came across this issue in an effort to rid my
>       > program of all things prototype. For those interested, here's
>       > a easily modifiable (albiet kludgey) workaround; 
>       >
>       > var pommoSort = {
>       >     init: function() {
>       >         var s = $.SortSerialize('grid');
>       >         this.hash = s.hash;
>       >     },
>       >     update: function(hash) {
>       >         if( this.hash == hash)
>       >             return false; // don't do a thing if unchanged...
>       >         this.hash = hash;
>       >
>       >         // call datasource updater via ajax request...
>       >
>       >         return false; 
>       >     }
>       > };
>       >
>       > $().ready(function(){
>       >
>       >     $('#grid').Sortable({
>       >         accept : 'sortable',
>       >         handle: '.sortHandle',
>       >         opacity: 0.8,
>       >         revert: true, 
>       >         tolerance: 'intersect',
>       >         onStop: function() {
>       >             var s = $.SortSerialize('grid');
>       >             pommoSort.update(s.hash);
>       >         }
>       >     });
>       >     pommoSort.init();
>       > });
>       >
>       >
>       > Also, it is of importance to remember that your "sortable"
>       > elements (be it LI's or DIVs -- or anything possessing the
>       > class passed as the "accept" parameter ["sortable" in the 
>       > above case]) have a ID assigned.
>       > The ID is what iSort uses during serialization.
>       >
>       > Hope this helps ... and thanks for the plugin! :)
>       >
>       > ~ Brice
>       >
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>       > jQuery mailing list
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> --
> Paul Bakaus
> Web Developer
> ------------------------
> Hildastr. 35
> 79102 Freiburg 

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